Takeaways from the 2021 SHIEC Conference

By: Activate Care Staff | September 15, 2021

This year’s 2021 SHIEC Conference hosted impactful discussions around its theme, “The Role of Health Information Exchange: Innovation in Public Health, Partnerships, and Pandemic Response.” A few members of our team attended the conference and came back with many takeaways and some great conversations. 


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The National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Micky Tripathi’s keynote was certainly a highlight of the conference and left the attendees with some notable points. He shares his preference for the term “information sharing” over “information blocking,” as we should be looking at opportunities. He also discussed ONC’s upcoming priorities and role in healthcare innovation, including information blocking, data and process gaps, the role HIE’s play in health equity, along with much more. Read on for some highlights from SHIEC attendees:

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@Pooja_POCP attended the session on HIEs and Information Blocking Rules: A Path Forward for Sharing Data with Patients, featuring Deven McGraw, Denise Dinoto, and Lin Wan. The session reviewed Rochester RHIO’s state of information exchange with the practices in their area, and the process of sharing, blocking, and fulfilling/ denying patient requests for information. 


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@claudiawilliams tweeted a quote from Lisa Bari, Interim CEO of SHIEC, and we definitely agree. Each community is unique, and we must take a look at each to determine the right way to implement an efficient and effective approach. 

We're excited to see the efforts and ideas circulating around innovating for the future of health and care, especially with SHIEC's merger with NRHI to form Civitas Networks for Health.


"Regional innovation, national impact. We stand for community and data-led health improvement and information exchange to tackle the most challenging healthcare issues."

-Civitas Networks for Health


Here at Activate Care, we agree and align with Civitas' vision and look forward to the impact this organization will make across the country. It takes a community!



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