Community Health Worker

The Secret Sauce for Managed Care Success: Member Engagement That Drives Results

Community Health Worker-led interventions address health-related social needs through screening, connection to housing and food, and behavioral coaching.


At Activate Care, we’re transforming member engagement in the managed care space with our "Know Me, Hear Me, Connect Me, Coach Me" framework. This game-changing approach has significantly impacted client experiences and satisfaction with our Path Assist™ program. Our Community Health Workers (CHWs) use this framework to build trust with members, a critical component of successful engagement. 

It's All About Connection

In managed care, engaged members are healthier members. But how do CHWs foster that engagement? It's not just about ticking boxes and following protocols. It's about building genuine connections and empowering clients to take charge of their health. That's where the “Know Me, Hear Me, Connect Me, Coach Me” framework comes in.

  1. Know Me: Building Trust Through Personalized Understanding

    “Know Me” begins with genuinely getting to know members as individuals – their stories, challenges, hopes, and dreams. CHWs record these insights and use them to help guide their ongoing interactions with members. By recognizing each member’s unique needs, they can tailor their support and build the trust that's essential for lasting engagement.

  2. Hear Me: Active Listening for Deeper Connection

    Listening is at the heart of our approach. CHWs don't just hear their clients' words; they actively listen, seeking to understand their concerns, challenges, and aspirations. By creating a safe space for open communication, members feel empowered to become active participants in their healthcare journey.

  3. Connect Me: Bridging the Gap to Essential Resources

    Navigating health and social care can be overwhelming. Activate Care's CHWs are local experts who understand the nuances of the community. They have connections with trusted, community-based organizations that can effectively address health-related social needs like food insecurity, transportation barriers, or housing instability. By partnering with these CBOs, Activate Care ensures that clients' needs are identified and successfully addressed, leading to better overall wellbeing.

  4. Coach Me: Empowering Members to Achieve Their Goals

    Coaching isn't just about giving advice; it's about empowering members to set their own goals, develop actionable plans, and overcome obstacles. Activate Care CHWs guide members through every step of their journey, providing the support and encouragement they need to succeed.

The Result - Healthier Members, Lower Costs

What's the result of this client-centric approach? The data shows that when members feel heard, understood, and supported, they're more likely to:

  • Adhere to treatment plans: Leading to better health outcomes and reduced hospital readmissions.
  • Engage in preventive care: Catching health issues early and avoiding costly complications.
  • Utilize resources effectively: Reducing unnecessary healthcare spending.
  • Report higher satisfaction: Leading to increased member retention and improved brand reputation.

For managed care organizations, this translates into lower costs, improved quality metrics, and a healthier, happier member population.

Are you ready to elevate your member engagement and drive better outcomes? Let's connect and explore how Activate Care can help you achieve your goals.



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