Social Determinants of Health

Activate Care and Nomi Health Launch Path Assist

Path Assist enables persons at risk for impacts from Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) to be proactively identified and served.

BOSTON--()--Activate Care®, a leader in social risk management solutions, and Nomi Health, the national provider of easy-to-access, low-cost healthcare, today announced Path Assist, a full-service offering which enables persons at risk for impacts from Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) to be identified and served. The platform features a proactive model of care that combines local people, curated processes and patient care technology.

Path Assist takes a proactive, whole-person approach to care interventions - a departure from the traditional model that retroactively responds to healthcare events, such as a visit to the emergency room triggered by a lack of shelter. By driving action upstream, Path Assist addresses a person’s SDOH-driven needs and navigates them through an intervention to improve patient outcomes and lower costs of care.

“Social determinants of health can impact 80%-90% of health outcomes, demonstrating the importance of addressing them before they get to that point,” said Activate Care’s CEO and Co-Founder, Ted Quinn. “For too long, we have been looking at the problem when it presents - in the ER, for example - instead of getting in front of it and preventing that ER visit in the first place. With the technology + data + the human element that Path Assist delivers, we can finally begin to measure and track the impact SDOH-focused activities and programs have on individual health outcomes, healthcare costs and a population’s health.”

“Traditional healthcare flows make the patient work too hard to receive the care they need. Proactively delivering the right care in a way that is seamless for patients materially impacts health outcomes when it comes to social determinants, while lowering cost of care for those covering their communities,” said Josh Walker, Nomi Health Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer. “Our care programs during COVID underscored that care can and must be delivered more effectively. As social determinants only grow in their impact on our communities, this is a next natural focus for our team as we continue to engage with patients across the country.”

How it Works

Path Assist is a comprehensive program that identifies and addresses SDOH factors before they become a problem via a dedicated process:

  • Working with Medicaid providers, at-risk providers, health systems, government entities, employers, and non-clinical organizations to identify at-risk individuals;
  • Once those individuals have been identified, an outreach team conducts a screening to confirm for which, if any, SDOH they are most at risk;
  • At-risk individuals are connected to a Community Health Navigator (CHN);
  • A Community Care Record is created in Activate Care’s CareHub™ platform, uniting the CHN, the patient, and health and social care providers in a single, longitudinal record to manage tasks, goals, gaps, and changes in status and to ensure each individual continues to make progress against those goals; and
  • Patients can manage their care plan and communicate with their Navigator within the Path Assist mobile application, placing tools and resources in the hands of the individual.

Throughout the care process, Path Assist provides actionable insights that allow community health teams to make informed decisions about the course of members’ care, helping keep members healthier while lowering utilization and costs.

Quinn continued, “We created Path Assist to help ensure - and facilitate - the full value of technology in the world of SDOH management. While many technologies, including ours, can make a big difference in care management, today’s communities are overwhelmed and understaffed; in short, oftentimes, there’s no one there to manage the technology. The Community Health Navigators, in these instances, make all the difference. They make sure an individual is not only in the system, but gets the valuable and critical care they need.”

Activate Care and Nomi Health are currently running a Path Assist program to gather findings on this new, proactive approach to SDOH. Results of the pilot will be announced in the summer.

To connect with Activate Care to learn how Path Assist can address SDOH in your community, visit:

About Activate Care®

Activate Care is America’s leader in social risk management solutions. The company’s expertise and experience designing and implementing innovative care models, coupled with its cloud-based CareHub™ platform, help communities across America address social determinants of health (SDOH) and create better whole-person care. With Activate Care, everyone across a community can act together seamlessly to drive improved outcomes for their at-risk populations.

Headquartered in Boston, Mass., Activate Care is privately held and venture-funded by the disruptive innovation investment firm, Rose Park Advisors. The company was named one of BostInno’s “50 on Fire” in fall 2020, which showcases the 50 companies in Boston “with innovative approaches to solving problems and making the biggest impact.”

For more information, visit

About Nomi Health

Nomi Health is a direct healthcare company delivering easy-to-access, low-cost care across the U.S., to the benefit of patients, providers and the buyers of healthcare in both the public and private sectors. Nomi Health is based in Orem, Utah and is composed of a team of more than 3,000 professionals nationwide, actively working to lower healthcare costs, widen care access and improve the overall patient experience. The company’s Nomi Care platform -- featuring local clinical and operations field teams, a sustainable supply chain, and seven networked laboratories - has served more than 11 million Americans with everyday healthcare services since its inception in 2019. Nomi Connect is a business operating system and payment platform enabling organizations to purchase healthcare directly and providers to be reimbursed in real time. Nomi Health is led by an experienced, cross-functional leadership team with clinical, healthcare, technology and finance backgrounds. Visit us on social media @NomiHealth and


Kristin Faulder (on behalf of Activate Care)

Maggie Habib

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