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Have You Seen These "Health Policy Valentines?"

Valentine's Day is approaching and now more than ever it’s important to show compassion and care to those around us. It's also fun to see the latest round of "Health Policy Valentine's" come out on Twitter every year.

We’ve rounded up three of our favorite #HealthPolicyValentines to get into the spirit of Valentine’s Day while, as always, continuing to promote health equity. This hashtag highlights a great opportunity to share what healthcare topics you’re passionate about.

Here are three tweets that resonate with us at Activate Care!


Race and Racism

Race is a social construct 

Yet not how Medical schools teach you to think

To truly address racism & achieve equity 

Race-based medicine must become extinct 

Nathan Chomilo, MD, FAAP



Race-based medicine promotes inequitable care because it uses race as a way to define someone’s health. What we should move towards is the acknowledgement that racism - not race - is a social determinant of health. Racism is a public health crisis that needs our attention. The American Public Health Association offers a nice resource page on racial healing.


Behavioral Health

Roses are red

Violets are blue

Folks with behavioral health conditions are being systemically incarcerated and deprived access to evidence-based care

It’s cruel, unusual, and completely undue

Penn Center for Mental Health


We like Penn Center for Mental Health’s #HealthPolicyValentine because it calls out the reality that behavioral health is so often overlooked, which negatively impacts access to care for those who actually need it. Punishing those with behavioral health conditions only exacerbates the issues, and excessive incarceration continues to be a national concern, as the root causes of behavioral health problems are not being addressed. 


Essential Needs

Access to health care

Is important and good

But try being healthy

Without housing or food

Deborah Roseman


Housing and food insecurity are major barriers to health and well-being that millions of people face every year. Many states are adopting a Housing First approach, which helps provide housing to people experiencing homelessness. COVID-19 has brought to light the need for interventions to address the social determinants of health, but we have a long way to go in connecting people in need to community-wide interventions that ultimately meet these needs. Referrals to community organizations often don't go far enough.

Modernizing Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) strategies to maximize productivity and eliminate silos has become a top priority for communities across the country. Join our webinar on February 24 and discover key insights and real success stories that organizations have learned during their digital transformation.


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