Activate Insights

Social Determinants of Health

2020 Outlook: New Year, New SDOH Policies

In the Era of SDOH Care, we expect to see changes in healthcare policies focused on SDOH arise. This blog takes a look at the top 3 SDOH care...

Social Determinants of Health

What's on the Horizon For Health Data Interoperability

Michael Sattler, talked with Mark Vafiades, Senior Advisor, ONC about the importance of health data interoperability, and what he sees for the...

Social Determinants of Health

2020 Outlook: The Rise of SDOH Executives

The social determinants of health have a new champion sitting amongst the executives in healthcare organizations. Learn about the importance of an...

Social Determinants of Health

Screening for SDOH: What do patients think?

SDOH affects everyone, but effectively addressing them requires patient participation. Here's some insight into their perspective on SDOH screening.

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